The ability to submit a bid is available in the Bid Submission Window.
The user must be authorized to bid for a contractor.
To submit a bid:
Click on the "Submit Bid" button.
The ability to submit a bid is only available to authorized users as shown on the Company Info Window.
The follow verifications are performed before allowing a bid to be submitted:
All base items must have a non-zero price
If the project includes a state option, all items in the state option must have a non-zero price.
If the project includes a contractor option, all items in the selected option must have a non-zero price.
If the project includes a sequential option, all items in the sequential options must have a non-zero price.
All certifications must be completed.
All addenda must be acknowledged.
The electronic bid bond number must have been validated.
Bids cannot be submitted after the time of bid opening.